Tuesday Enrichment Ages 9-11
Tuesdays 9 AM- 1:30 PM
Service Description
Class Topics Class Topics: Biomes of the world - Julia Godines Come discover the different biomes of the world as we dive into the Tundra, Forests, Grasslands, and deserts. Over the course of the semester we will learn about the differences in climate, animal species, and plants in each ecosystem within these biomes. We will create biome travel journals to keep track of all we see, learn, and do. And each student will build their own biome diorama or biome survival kit that combines their creativity and understanding of the biomes we’ve learned about over the semester. Maps, Geography and More! - Christine Lancaster This semester we will dive into maps and geographic concepts. While studying different types of maps, elements of countries (population, politics, etc), and geographic terms, children will work individually and in groups to create their own continents and countries. As with previous classes, we will use the interests and knowledge of the group to determine our focus. Children will be given the opportunity to lead within the class. Social Spotlight - Lynn Gilbersten This class is centered on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), which aims to help students better understand their own emotions and those of others. We will regularly discuss topics such as feelings, identity, advocacy, leadership, friendship, mental health, and neurodiversity in intentional and affirming ways. Each class will include a hands-on activity that will focus on things like: -Making a feelings wheel -Creating our own “how do I feel today?” posters with real student faces -the power of colors and art-making to increase feelings of wellness -why the world needs all kinds of minds/neurodiversity -strategies for helping ourselves feel more regulated -fun and gentle movement and breathing exercises -how to advocate for ourselves (and others!) and be aware of what we need -what it means to be a leader -setting goals -exploring human needs * Lynn has received SEL training from multiple schools and national organizations and led SEL steering committees at many Chicagoland schools.
Cancellation Policy
We keep our classes small to enhance learning outcomes. Because of this, it is important that our classes are filled up with students that are committed to the class. If you have questions about a class, please contact us prior to signing up to make sure the class will meet your expectations. Classes can ONLY be dropped within the first two weeks of the semester. There is a $65 fee if dropped within the first week of class. There is an $80 fee if dropped within the second week of class. The remaining balance after dropping will be refunded. Classes CANNOT be dropped after the second week of scheduled classes. After the second week of scheduled classes no refund will be given. To drop a class please email iphglearning@gmail.com IPHG reserves the right to cancel any class. In the event IPHG cancels class is canceled before beginning, a credit to be applied for future semesters will be given. Credit will be for the value of the canceled class.
Contact Details
4057 N Harding Ave, Chicago, IL, USA