Student must stay home if they have any of the following:
- fever (100.4 or higher) - student can return when fever free for 48 hours.
- vomiting - student can return after holding down food/water for 48 hours.
- Diarrhea - student can return after free from diarrhea for 48 hours.
- Stool containing mucus or blood, stool with a clay-like consistency or color (grey, white) - student can return
when stool returns to normal for 24 hours or after a diagnosis from a physician.
- Unidentified rash that accompanies fever and/ or behavioral change (lethargy, loss of appetite, etc)
and/or spreads quickly - student can return after diagnosis from a physician.
- Unidentified peeling, scaling, or cracking skin in/ around the hands, feet, scalp - student can return after
diagnosis from a physician.
- Unidentified blisters or sores in/around the mouth, on the face, hands, feet- student can return after
diagnosis from a physician
- Matted eyelids after sleep or discharge in the eye (white, yellow, green) - student can return after eye has
returned to normal for 24 hours or after 24 hours on antibiotic eye drops (when applicable).
- Crust in and/or around the eye accompanied by redness, swelling in and/or around the eye - student can return after diagnosis from a
physician or after eye has returned to normal for 24 hours.
- Sore throat accompanied by any of the following symptoms- fever, rash, white/red spots on the back of
the throat, inflamed/ swollen glands at the back of the throat - student can return after diagnosis from a
physician or after 24 hours on antibiotics (when applicable).
- Cough that accompanies difficulty breathing/ frequent wheezing - student can return after diagnosis from a
Covid Policy
If a student tests positive for Covid, that student can return to IPHG after 5 days from the onset of symptoms if symptoms are improving.
IPHG will follow the guidelines of the CDC in the event of future Covid outbreaks.
IPHG has the right to request any child wear a mask and/or be picked up if they have illness symptoms.