Science Adventurers: Semester 1
12:30-1:45 PM (Ages 6-9) Measurement, matter, and rocks
Service Description
IPHG is excited to bring to you this class from Quest in Science! This semester covers two strands of science: measurement of matter and rocks. Measure that Matter: This exciting chemistry program will engage students' curiosity for science through fun hands-on investigations and activities. Students will learn how to safely and skillfully use science tools to explore the states of matter, create properly measured mixtures, and observe chemical reactions in action. Strand 2: Rockhounds: This portion of the class will explore various questions pertaining to rocks. Where do rocks come from? Where do they go? What are rocks made of? How do we describe and classify rocks? Where can we find rocks on Earth? In this course, students become rockhounds to tackle these questions and more! We investigate the layers of the earth and learn how to read maps using scales and legends. Students observe and manipulate a large variety of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. They describe and then classify them according to their properties. Students observe a sediment cylinder and find the layers and the sediments in the cylinder. Using sand, shells, and rocks, students make their own sediment. Students dissolve and create crystals and observe different crystal shapes in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. They learn the different ways that fossils can form and create their own simulated fossil. Each day, our busy rockhounds work together in small lab groups to perform experiments and make observations. They maintain a record of our adventures together so they will never forget how to be a rockhound! * Cost of this class includes a material kit for each student. Note: While this class meets at IPHG, instruction is given virtually by trained science professionals. The instructor will teach via a large television in the front of the classroom. IPHG staff will be in the classroom to help the instructor facilitate the class. Class Dates: Week 1 9/8 Week 2- 9/15 Week 3- 9/22 Week 4- 9/29 Week 5- 10/6 Week 6- 10/13 Week 7- 10/20 Week 8- 10/27 Week 9- 11/3 Week 10- 11/10 Week 11- 11/17 Week 12- 11/24- No class Week 13- 12/1 Week 14- 12/8 Week 15- 12/ 15
Cancellation Policy
We keep our classes small to enhance learning outcomes. Because of this, it is important that our classes are filled up with students that are committed to the class.  If you have questions about a class, please contact us prior to signing up to make sure the class will meet your expectations.  Classes can ONLY be dropped within the first two weeks of the semester. There is a $65 fee if dropped within the first week of class. There is an $80 fee if dropped within the second week of class. The remaining balance after dropping will be refunded. Classes CANNOT be dropped after the second week of scheduled classes. After the second week of scheduled classes no refund will be given. To drop a class please email iphglearning@gmail.com IPHG reserves the right to cancel any class. In the event IPHG cancels class is canceled before beginning, a credit to be applied for future semesters will be given. Credit will be for the value of the canceled class.
Contact Details
4057 N Harding Ave, Chicago, IL, USA